Katie Zimmermann Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Hi there. I know this can be a tough process (finding a stranger you think you might trust to open up with). I am naturally the most comfortable and happy in trusting, open/SUPER-honest, non-judgmental relationships where we assume we are safe to be human with each other. Also, (for those whom it matters) I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a Master's degree in Psychology from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. I specialize in helping individuals recover from trauma and couples regain safe and loving connections with the support of additional training in E.M.D.R. (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy), E.F.C.T. (Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy), and The Gottman Method for Couples.
I have always had a passion for the science and study of relationships, the mind, and why we do the things we do as human beings (i.e.: "Why does she act like that every time I say ______"; "How does that couple cope so much better with conflict than every other couple I know?"; "Why do I always seem to self-sabotage in new relationships even when I'm excited?"). I studied and interned for 8 years to become a therapist so that I can spend my life being fascinated while working with and supporting people through these same questions, hardships, and common stressors that I and everyone I know face. I tailor my therapeutic approach to the unique needs of each client, couple, or family through a trauma-informed and strength-based lens, which empowers my clients to find meaning, purpose, and an increased ability to experience feelings of strength and joy. I believe that everyone has the underlying potential to experience fulfillment and satisfaction in their life, and if the roadblocks are removed, people can and will find joy, self-compassion, and balance. I believe in the powerful nature of the therapeutic relationship; I am grateful for my time collaborating with clients to increase their insight and awareness and heighten their ability to experience gratification-- which consistently challenges ME to grow, reflect, and be emboldened to change my own life as I am inspired by my clients. I am genuine and candid with those I work with, and I enjoy utilizing humor, playfulness, and exploration in therapy to promote healing.
My Approach
My experience stems from working with people who are overcoming significant life adversity, trauma, relational distress, or are feeling “stuck” in life. The impact of complex trauma, dissatisfaction with one’s self, or repeated experiences of feeling unloved, unworthy, or rejected can shape our view of the world, ourselves, and others in a pervasively negative and often unhelpful way. In working extensively with those who have been affected by trauma, abuse, addiction, eating disorders, self-criticism, and relational difficulties, I have found a combination of approaches (that when integrated and uniquely tailored to the individual) create positive change.
I integrate aspects of Positive Psychology and Neuroplasticity, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy), EFCT (Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy), The Gottman Approach for couples, Narrative Therapy, Mindfulness, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.